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Sew Forth and Sew On: Stupid Sock Creatures

Monday, July 16, 2007

Stupid Sock Creatures

Stupid Sock Creatures is a great book. I have made 2 monsters, as I like to call them, so far. Stretch lives at my sister's house. He is made of knee high sock so came out a little long. Norbit is pictured below. He is made of anklets so a little shorter. Norbit was named for his teeth, get it Nor(bit), big teeth. I will have to admit that these guys do take some time and work to create. The thinner sock fabric is not that easy to work with, watch for runs and fraying, and there are some seams that are probably better off being hand stitched, but it is amazingly fun to let your imagination run wild and see them come to life as you sew. I am excited to make a whole clan of monsters. The instructions in the book are easy to follow, and the ideas are endless.

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