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Sew Forth and Sew On: Batman Shirts for the Nephews

Monday, July 16, 2007

Batman Shirts for the Nephews

These shirts were made from McCall's pattern M4849, size 3-4 & 5-6. This is a good pattern with good instructions. The size 5-6 shirt fit my older nephew better than the 3-4 size fit the younger one, so only a little alteration was needed, mostly in the length which of course meant the buttons had to be adjusted up a little. (So FYI, if you're making this pattern, I put the first button down 1 & 1/4 " from the top on the size 3-4.) The material was bought to make something else, so there was not quite enough for both shirts, so I used black on the sleeves, which turned out ok because it gave me a place to embroidery. Embroidering has changed the way I buy fabric. I now look closer at solid colors and smaller, less cluttered prints.

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